Blockchain Career For Non-Techies: Scope & Opportunities

Blockchain Career For Non Techies
Do you wish to embark on a brand-new thrilling career in blockchain technology? Blockchain is a ground-breaking technology that is widely regarded as the foundation of the digital coins that have been the subject of great excitement over the past ten years. After someone or something launched Bitcoin in 2009 under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto, it attracted attention. Since then, blockchain has developed into a fantastic technology that has captured the interest of a growing number of individuals.

Career in Blockchain Development

Blockchain career for non-techies has a major scope as we will discuss in detail here. The majority of unfamiliar people mistake blockchain for bitcoin. However, blockchain technology was first made known to the world through the use of Bitcoin. In today’s digital age, blockchain technology has a rising variety of applications. Web3 development is one of the popular applications of of blockchain technology. In fact, blockchain is the driving technology that makes it possible for users to interact in the next stage of web. Also, metaverse development is again an emerging field in blockchain that aims to disrupt most of industries. As a techies, it is crucial know and develop skills in not just blockchain but also blockchain-based emerging technologies like Web3.0, metaverse, and so on. That is why, knowing and learning about blockchain development is great, as it can also improve your chances of getting better career opportunities even as a non-techie. Interesting Facts: “In the blockchain industry, non-technical positions are paid 10 percent higher than their non-blockchain equivalents.” Who wouldn’t want to earn more money? or take a position requiring a flexible schedule? Most people adore it. Jobs are being created as a result of the recent boom in blockchain-focused firms, and not just for technologists. Because an agile blockchain developer might not be a useful manager or an effective copywriter, these organizations are actively looking for applicants for non-engineering positions. According to upGrad, in the blockchain sector, “around 38% of jobs are for non-technical roles in a range of domains.”

Non-Technical Jobs Are Being Acknowledged: A Trend Shift

You have chosen wisely if you are searching for non-technical jobs in the blockchain industry. The days when technical positions were expected to take center stage are long gone, even though they have had their share of the spotlight. As individuals become more aware of the significance of non-tech employment, this trend is currently shifting. It is becoming more difficult for job seekers to decide between the two due to the high level of public attention and notoriety that both career titles are receiving. Regarding blockchain jobs, there are many cutting-edge professional prospects in this field as a result of the current technological boom. Today, blockchain technology is used in practically every industry, including supply chain management, healthcare, logistics, digital identity, and many more. It is no longer just associated with Bitcoin. Both programmers and non-coders are finding the technology useful. Do you want to learn more about blockchain technology and career opportunities in Blockchain for non-techies? Keep reading.

Understanding Blockchain Technology & Its Career Opportunities

Blockchain was initially used to create cryptocurrencies ten years ago, starting with Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency built on the Blockchain. The integration and use of Blockchain were successful in that situation for the first time. Blockchain is a reliable digital ledger or distributed database that keeps track of transactions and can be programmed to record not only financial transactions but also everything else that has value, according to experts of the Blockchain. Blockchain, to put it simply, is a distributed, encoded database that keeps track of information much like a digital record of any exchanges, transactions, contracts, etc. The fact that Blockchain is an automated record that is readily accessible across a huge number of PCs is one of its key advantages. This indicates that Blockchain is not restricted to a particular location and may be accessed using a variety of computer systems. By leveraging digital currency like Bitcoin, smart contracts, and other cutting-edge and revolutionary applications, blockchain has already begun having a significant impact on the financial and technical sectors.

What More for the Techies?

Blockchain is helpful for the secure movement of goods like money, contracts, and other financial and legal instruments without the need for a middleman like a bank or governmental organization. Due to the stability of a blockchain, once information is stored there, it cannot be changed. The centrally authorized organizations normally do not handle any of the data that is stored chronologically in a blockchain. As consumers may directly access and perform transactions without the assistance of a third party, blockchain technology becomes a useful instrument in the economic sector. Information about the user is encrypted to ensure the security of these transactions. The main advantage of blockchain technology is that it rarely has problems with data breaches. Thus blockchain career for non-techies is highly beneficial.

Why is Blockchain Technology Getting All the Hype?

Regarding Blockchain’s actual potential, there are many claims. Many people have bet their reputations and fortunes on the distributed ledger database, which has been hailed as a game-changer. There have been claims made about its potential to reduce fraud for corporate applications like financial systems or, for that matter, any system having centralized control, as well as to help increase transparency in the industrial and health sectors. Realizing Blockchain technology in the burgeoning sharing economy could reduce the need for central control. By making the process of accessing information simple and unchangeable, blockchain demonstrates its capacity. Business leaders should assess the foundational facets of their operations in the context of Blockchain because of the possibility for smart contracts and the opportunity to create new business models. Blockchain is suitable for every business because of features like trust, immutability, secrecy, and dependability. The topic of blockchain technology will continue to be discussed for a long time.

Why Choose A Career in Blockchain?

The blockchain industry is in great demand and is anticipated to expand soon. By 2030, the market is anticipated to grow and reach a value of $1,431.54 billion. It is employed to store data in a manner that makes it difficult to breach, hack, or carry out any other malicious action. It is an electronic transaction ledger that is duplicated over many networks. Data is kept digitally, and organizations are becoming more digital. The need to safeguard and save this data has likewise grown in significance. There are many different blockchains use cases in different industries. The sector is diversified and open to both technical and non-technical work prospects due to its broad applicability. Blockchain is therefore a good solution for those who are non-techie professionals in this field. Here are some of the major reasons to choose a career in blockchain technology for a non-technical person:
  • Less Competitive Tech

    Blockchain is still a newer technology, especially in the IT sector. This is the reason businesses from a variety of sectors are still using the technology. This indicates that there are still few developers operating in the area. Additionally, because the technology wasn’t fully developed until roughly 2016, there haven’t been many years for developers to emerge. In comparison to other development roles, this indicates that competition is less intense here.

    Better Salary

    If you’re concerned about the pay, rest assured that even non-technical positions in the blockchain industry are compensated better than those in other industries. The median income for employees in blockchain differs from positions in other industries by roughly 10%, with blockchain leading the way.
  • Higher Demand for Blockchain Skills

    The demand for Blockchain developers is now on the rise, and recruiters from prestigious institutions are looking for knowledgeable individuals who have a deep understanding of this technology. Since the demand for their services far outweighs their ability to deliver them, they are willing to offer higher remuneration packages. Positive changes are coming, so if you want to become a non-techie Professional, this is the right time to prepare yourself.
  • Multiple Use Cases of Blockchain

    Blockchain use cases and applications are rapidly growing throughout a wide range of industries, from healthcare and banking to gaming and government, as well as in terms of project types. Payments, value storage, job automation, and voting are a few examples of use cases. Industries need professional blockchain developers with a variety of skill sets to satisfy these use cases.
  • Remote Working Opportunities

    The increased remote flexibility is a significant benefit as well. Applying for a job in the blockchain or cryptocurrency industry increases your chances of landing a remote position by 22%. In addition to these, there are startups with flexible working hours, so you do not need to visit the office every day.
  • More Favorable Equity liquidity

    This benefit is only available to token companies. In typical startups, you receive equity in the form of business shares. The only time those shares can be exchanged for fiat money is during a liquidity event. In actuality, this could be a difficult task. Grants made by businesses can occasionally limit or even stop secondary trades. Employees in a blockchain company, however, are given tokens rather than equity. These tokens are already tradeable, but some of them might be subject to some limitations. They are still more liquid than equities, though. The various factors listed above led to the decision of blockchain development as a potential career. Now, developers must be aware of the various role alternatives that are available to them. Let’s investigate this next.

Various Opportunities Blockchain Career for Non-Techies

An individual who is interested in blockchain technology can consider a variety of careers. Let’s examine a few of the most popular ones.
  • Blockchain Programmer

    Although a blockchain programmer is not exactly a career option for non-technical professionals, if you are new to development you can start your career in blockchain technology as well. But first, you will have to grasp more knowledge about programming techniques used in blockchain projects. There is a huge need for blockchain engineers who can assist firms in exploring blockchain platforms. Making a name for themselves in this booming industry is one of the most popular professional paths people choose today. The developers are computer programmers who design the architecture and applications for blockchain technology. Before you start working as a blockchain developer, you must have prior knowledge of languages like Python, C++, and JavaScript.
  • The Planner of Blockchain Solutions

    The task of creating, allocating, and connecting the various blockchain solution components falls under the purview of blockchain solution architects. Their role is to conduct end-to-end blockchain solutions, and they have competence in network administration, programming, UX design, and IT operation.
  • Blockchain Project Manager

    These are the persons tasked with distributing the various components of blockchain initiatives to people with the necessary skill sets. They typically possess the same skills as conventional project managers but also have a technical grasp of the technology. Excellent communication abilities are another essential quality. When working with non-technical workers, this is essential. Furthermore, they must inform management or other stakeholders of critical updates.
  • Blockchain UI/UX Designer

    The front end of blockchain projects has become crucial due to the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. A blockchain designer’s job is to provide a user interface that demonstrates trust and excellence to users. You must pay close attention to detail, be creative, and work extremely hard to succeed in this position.
  • Blockchain Legal Advisor

    Even though blockchain is widely used, it is still illegal in many countries. To know which components of blockchain technology are lawful and which require compliance checks, a business using the technology needs legal expertise. A legal advisor assisting firms will need to have in-depth knowledge of the legal definition of blockchain on a global level.
  • Blockchain Advisor

    It is the responsibility of blockchain consultants to advise and direct blockchain projects. They must be well-versed in commerce, cryptography, and distributed systems.
  • Blockchain Quality Engineer and Analyst

    A quality assurance specialist is constantly present in the development environment to conduct tests and ensure that all project components adhere to the appropriate quality standards. A similar function for the quality engineer exists in the blockchain ecosystem. Since every error can harm how the technology is used, they make sure that all procedures are of the highest calibre. In this position, having both strong communication skills and technical knowledge is essential. When exploring technology, blockchain enthusiasts frequently consider these top responsibilities. However, these are merely the most obvious job roles that are growing in the field. All you will need to do is watch to observe how the area develops. Regardless of the jobs, it would be beneficial to gain some tool knowledge related to the blockchain.

What Qualities Do Employers Look For In Non-Techies?

  In most startups and businesses, non-tech jobs are standard. However, businesses in the blockchain career for non-techies are particularly interested in a few unique qualities in a candidate.
  • Quick Learner

    They must be capable of solving problems on their own and must be at ease with uncertainty. They require people who are willing to take the chance of learning it on their own.
  • Research and Grow in the Field

    The best applicants should be able to explore, comprehend, and grasp complicated topics as rapidly as feasible. Although they are not required to understand the specifics of adopting blockchain, they should be aware of how things operate in their vicinity. Industry demands that quick learners actively support the objectives of the organization. Someone with a non-technical background should have a basic understanding of the sector to make it easier for them to provide value and enhance their jobs. Young professionals who are unsure about whether they can or should study blockchain should be reassured that they can and must!
  • Basic Knowledge of Blockchain

    Although everyone must have some prior knowledge, the good news is that there are many resources available to help people get started learning on their own. It’s irrelevant to us if you have a degree. Your capacity for learning and doing is important as well. The fundamentals of blockchain career for non-techies assist in engaging in the discussion and objectives of the company. Working with other teams, comprehending their job functions, and delivering as required are all requirements for non-technical blockchain jobs. Understanding blockchain promotes cross-team cooperation and improved performance. Understanding a product requires having a basic working knowledge of blockchain, as it is helpful in problem-solving. As a result, the candidate must gain the confidence necessary to discuss sophisticated technologies.
  • Programming Skills

    The most crucial factor is general programming ability as you are new to working on this technology. The enthusiasm for open-source projects and side projects comes next. Many “hobby items” become “real things” in a new environment. So finding your passion is crucial. All in all, a candidate should get the gist of blockchain and coding to fully comprehend technology, which is a programming marvel. Being familiar with the entire technological architecture and having strong relationships with clients, coworkers, and other industry leaders are prerequisites for being a blockchain specialist.

In Conclusion: Blockchain Career For Non-Techies

Although the most popular application of blockchain technology is Bitcoin, it has much greater potential than just cryptocurrency. Although it may be a new technology to certain individuals and companies, it is poised to bring about a revolution in both technology and money. While some industries have begun utilizing blockchain in numerous fields, many others are only now becoming aware of the potential. This fascinating technology is expanding every day as new applications are tried and tested.  Blockchain career for non-techies will fundamentally alter technology and people’s lives once these applications go live for a worldwide audience. In Conclusion, every new industry creates chances for everyone including non-techies, and it is up to the people to take advantage of those opportunities. At a blockchain startup or company, non-technical positions will have their benefits, but the work will undoubtedly be difficult. Most of the well-known job posting services, including LinkedIn, Indeed, and others, have job listings for these positions. What are you still holding out for? The time is now to acquire the relevant skills if you’re interested in blockchain technology and its applications and want to build a profession out of it.